1955 - Pres Eisenhower suffers a heart attack on bvacation/b in Denver 1955 - Washington Senators lose their 99th & 100th games of season 1956 - 1st trans atlantic telephone cable in use (Newfoundland-Scotland) b..../b 1994 - David bNapley/b, solicitor, dies at 79 1994 - Otto F Walther, Swiss publisher/author (Der Stumme), dies at 66 1996 - Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen Edwards, egyptologist, dies at 87 1996 - Mark Frankel, actor (Solitaire for 2, Simon-Sisters), dies at 34 ...
Bet on Sports execs plead innocent CNN Money - A defendant in US criminal proceedings - whether a company or an individual - must Louis this month charging them with racketeering, fraud, tax evasion and The company once again did not ...